Wednesday, May 12, 2010

We had another Dr. appointment yesterday. I had no problem gaining weight between the last appointment and this one so I dont have to worry about taking a supplement. The Dr. asked me what I did and I told her that it was amazing what happens, since I no longer throw up 3-4 times a night. Everything is looking good. I also learned new information about c-sections. We were told at one point, probably by someone not from the medical field, that you were only allowed so many c-sections. My Dr, however, said that she worked at a Catholic hospital she had performed women's 12th and 13th c-section. It is just that with each pregnancy and each cut your are more at risk for complications. Just to make sure that no one has any confusion we are not planning on having 12 kids, it is 6-7 kids to many for me and I am sure I can say the same for Bryan. We do get to have another ultrasound at the next appointment. They werent able to see some of the things they needed to with the heart since it wasnt developed enough.
This last weekend we went down to Laramie to see my sister, Carissa, graduate from UW with her bachelors in education. CONGRATULATIONS CARISSA! We had a lot of fun. Bryan enjoyed playing the WII and beating Carissa's high score in the 3-point shootout competition. Hayden enjoyed throwing balls at Q. Hannah enjoyed playing with the marbles. And I enjoyed getting to spend time with my Sissy. The kids also got to go swimming at the hotel that Papa and Grama stayed at. Hannah had a bunch of fun. She got to play in there with her cousin Kaitlyn. Hayden didnt want anything to do with the water. He hung out with Papa in the chair. Carissa did get him to come sit on the side and put his feet in the water for a bit. I did take my camera down but it spent its time in my backpack.


LDA said...

I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling better. 12 would definitely be too many!!! I can't even imagine-most days I think two is good...probably not really, but some days two feels like 12!

Unknown said...

Thank you for coming down! I too don't have a lot of pictures. I should have had you snap some with mine!