Thursday, May 27, 2010


Last night we got our first severe thunderstorm warning. Right before I was about to put the kids to bed it started raining and not seconds after the rain turned into hail. I would have to say that it hailed for a good 5 minutes and they seemed to get bigger and bigger as they fell. Unfortunately the truck wasnt able to escape some dents and I am not sure how the van fared. The kids enjoyed the after effects of being able to hold the hail and then throw it after.

And not to disappoint anyone here are a few pictures of the kids.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Oh No

We had decided awhile ago to convert our playroom into a master bedroom with bathroom included. This all came about b/c of a leak from the upstairs bathroom that had created mold on the ceiling in the playroom. So Bryan started demoing a bit. He started by knocking down the wall between the laundry room and playroom and then all work stopped. Then about a month ago he installed the egress(sp?) window and then work stopped again. I want to utilize my whole house and not being able to the last 5 months has bugged me. Lately I started bugging Bryan about getting it done. I have been worried that it will be an ongoing project that sits for years and I want it done before the baby comes so I have a little bit of time to get the nursery ready and get my house back in order. Well come to find out our project is most likely going to take a little longer than planned and a bit more work is involved. We came home from a trip to Casper to find that our basement had flooded just a bit. Water came in from the laundry room and ran along the wall into the spare bedroom and also came in to our little storage area and ran along the wall into the family room. Luckily the worst places where the water decided to pool were in the rooms that had tile or concrete floors. So last night after all the tears had passed and my knees and back had gone numb from having to kneel to vacuum up water I was able to see the little light at the end of the tunnel that this to shall pass and that it wasnt really that bad nothing got destroyed (except my carpet in the playroom, not from the water) and we still had a house standing. Bryan started demoing some more. The family room wall is missing half of the wall and also there is concrete missing so we can install pipe and a subpump. So now I really am not able to utilize my whole house we are pretty much confined to the upstairs and already I miss being able to tell my kids to go downstairs and play and it has only been a day.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Why I  love warm days:
Riding Bikes
Cute Faces!

The last few days it has warmed up considerably here. I was able to finally wear capris and the kids were able to enjoy the outdoors. Fridaywe got to spend a few hours outside. I watched the kids play and Bryan mow the lawn while I sat on the deck and worked on my tan. It was glorious. Then on Sunday I took the kids to the park, we went for a walk after dinner, and also roasted marshmellows on Papa and Grama's fire pit. I think that we have taken advantage of these days very well and hope to take advantage of the others to come.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

We had another Dr. appointment yesterday. I had no problem gaining weight between the last appointment and this one so I dont have to worry about taking a supplement. The Dr. asked me what I did and I told her that it was amazing what happens, since I no longer throw up 3-4 times a night. Everything is looking good. I also learned new information about c-sections. We were told at one point, probably by someone not from the medical field, that you were only allowed so many c-sections. My Dr, however, said that she worked at a Catholic hospital she had performed women's 12th and 13th c-section. It is just that with each pregnancy and each cut your are more at risk for complications. Just to make sure that no one has any confusion we are not planning on having 12 kids, it is 6-7 kids to many for me and I am sure I can say the same for Bryan. We do get to have another ultrasound at the next appointment. They werent able to see some of the things they needed to with the heart since it wasnt developed enough.
This last weekend we went down to Laramie to see my sister, Carissa, graduate from UW with her bachelors in education. CONGRATULATIONS CARISSA! We had a lot of fun. Bryan enjoyed playing the WII and beating Carissa's high score in the 3-point shootout competition. Hayden enjoyed throwing balls at Q. Hannah enjoyed playing with the marbles. And I enjoyed getting to spend time with my Sissy. The kids also got to go swimming at the hotel that Papa and Grama stayed at. Hannah had a bunch of fun. She got to play in there with her cousin Kaitlyn. Hayden didnt want anything to do with the water. He hung out with Papa in the chair. Carissa did get him to come sit on the side and put his feet in the water for a bit. I did take my camera down but it spent its time in my backpack.

Happy Birthday GOO

Hayden's second birthday was on Wednesday. So far he:
* has just started to talk more, some of the words are: Mama, Dada, Papa, Grama, Tris, ouch, down, out, hi, bye, juice, ball, blow, balloon, puppy,he also has said Tyler a couple of times one of his first words
* loves his blanket and prefers the ones with fringes
* already knows what annoys his sister and loves doing it
* loves copying Hannah and playing with her
* loves to leave and go anywhere in a car
* is ticklish all over
* loves balls
* has an extra sense when a power tool is turned on and runs toward the sound
* loves tools, his own and his dads
* a tape measure is one of his favorites, he loves to carry it around and measure things
* likes to look at books before going to bed
* doesnt like to have his hands dirty
* likes the vacuum as long as its not on
*nicknames are Mr. Magoo, Goo, Gooza
*loves it when Daddy comes home 
We did a small party for him on Thursday and celebrated with pizza, cupcakes, and ice cream. Its hard to believe how big he is getting and realizing that he isnt going to be my baby anymore.