Thursday, January 22, 2009

The other day Hannah comes upstairs, goes into the bathroom and then shuts the door. So I gave her a minute and then went in to see what she was up to and I find her leaning over with her head in the toilet coughing. Since then she has done that a couple of times. And I figured that she saw me throw up one to many times while I was pregnant with Hayden. It is funny what she remembers. I swear she has a mind like a steel trap.


Geraldine said...

Way funny. I hope it doesn't be come a habit! See you next week.

Anonymous said...

Quintin thinks she's bolimic (sp?)...I think it's funny..:) Keep the stories coming. I feel like I miss out on too much leaving SO far away. Thanks for texting me about Hayden! Love you!